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Clifford D. May

Clifford D. May

Clifford D. May is president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a columnist for The Washington Times. He can be reached at

Columns by Clifford D. May

A Nuclear-Armed Middle East Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

CIFFORD MAY: Obama thinks bad Iran deal better than no deal

Remember when President Obama said that to prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capability, he would keep all options "on the table"? How long has it been since anyone took that warning seriously? Published March 3, 2015

Vladimir Putin            Cartoon by Herb, Dagningen, Lillehammer, Norway/CartoonArts International

CLIFFORD MAY: Vladimir Putin’s revisionist government

Last week, two Russian long-range bombers skirted the southwest coast of England. British Typhoon warplanes scrambled from their base to "escort" the bombers away. Prime Minister David Cameron accused Moscow of "trying to make some sort a point." Published February 24, 2015

Illustration on Obama's secret strategy to promote Iranian hegemony by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CLIFFORD MAY: Obama’s secret terrorism strategy accommodates Iran

It seems like only yesterday that President Obama was being criticized for having no strategy to counter the jihadi threat. In fact, it was about 10 days ago. Peggy Noonan's Feb. 1 Wall Street Journal column was headlined: "America's Strategy Deficit." Published February 10, 2015

Illustration on the need for sanctions against Iran by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CLIFFORD MAY: Iran and the case for deadline-triggered sanctions

Experienced negotiators know this: The side most willing to walk away from the table generally wins. The side that seems desperate for a deal loses. Yet President Obama is telling the entire world that he needs an agreement with Iran's rulers more than they need an agreement with him. Published January 20, 2015

CLIFFORD MAY: West’s irresponsible attitude toward Iran is dangerous

Let's get a few things straight: The slaughter of eight satirical journalists in Paris last week was not a tragedy. It was an atrocity. While you may have been shocked by the attack on Charlie Hebdo, anyone who was surprised has not been paying close attention to the events unfolding over recent decades. Published January 13, 2015

Illustration on cyber threats to U.S. free speech by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CLIFFORD MAY: Korea cyberattack follows Islam wars on U.S. free speech rights

Last Friday, in his end-of-the-year press conference, President Obama scolded Sony Pictures. Canceling the theatrical release of "The Interview" following cyberattacks from North Korea, he said, was "a mistake." Two days later, on CNN, he added that North Korea had committed an act of "cybervandalism." Published December 23, 2014

Illustration on the need for enhanced interrogation for national security by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

CLIFFORD MAY: Jon Stewart torture doctrine lacks logic of war

In spring 2009, I was invited to debate "torture" with Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show." He gave me an opportunity to make a case with which he vehemently disagreed. He didn't spout prepackaged sound bites — he presented thoughtful counterarguments. Not many television talk show hosts are willing — or able — to do that. Published December 16, 2014

Illustration on coming to terms with Islamic extremism by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CLIFFORD D. MAY: Why fighting extremists can’t be politically correct

Rarely do so many distinguished members of the foreign policy community gather in a single room. But this was the Great Hall of the United States Institute of Peace: a Washington "institution established and funded by Congress to increase the nation's capacity to manage international conflict without violence." Published December 9, 2014

Illustration on The Economist's recent apologetic issue for Iran by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CLIFFORD MAY: The Economist misjudges Iran

"The revolution is over." When journalists at The Economist, one of the world's most influential publications, run that headline on a cover story, "a special report" on the "new Iran," you assume they have solid evidence to support their thesis. Published November 11, 2014

Topographic rendering of the Rawabi planned city                                           Rawabi Foundation image

CLIFFORD D. MAY: Building a shining Palestinian city on a hill

Trust me on this: Reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis will not be achieved anytime soon, no matter what the professional peace processors say or do. Here in Rawabi, though, modest progress toward that goal is at least possible to imagine. Published November 4, 2014

Illustration on concerted international efforts to demonize Israel by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CLIFFORD D. MAY: Israel and the war of words

Last week, a terrorist drove his car into a crowd at a light-rail station, killing a three-month-old baby. Eight others were injured, including a 22-year-old woman who died a few days later. Published October 28, 2014