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Biden, the Augustulus of our time

When Rome fell, Augustulus ruled as an ineffective and incompetent emperor prior to the Gothic monarchs assuming control.

Replace 'default' with 'budget'

The periodic kabuki dance about raising the federal debt limit is always accompanied by histrionics and catastrophic predictions of a federal government default and shutdown.

FBI's church spying despicable

Thank you for your editorial "FBI's targeting of Catholics is anti-religious and anti-American" (web, April 13), which chastises the FBI, Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland for spying on the Catholic Church.

Fox's bad moves

After seeing what happened to Anheuser-Busch with its Bud Light fiasco, just how stupid can Fox News be?

Faux equality brings everyone down

The recently announced federal rule to force home buyers with good credit ratings to pay higher rates in order to subsidize riskier borrowers is just another example of Biden's faux equality ("Biden to hike payments for good-credit homebuyers to subsidize high-risk mortgages," Web, April 18).

Don't let Biden waste wall money

Some $200 million of a total pot of several billion appropriated by Congress for the building of the border wall will expire in September ("Millions set aside for border wall headed for Mayorkas waste bin," web, April 23).

What's the left done for Black America?

It is time for an open, sober, truthful dialogue between the races -- and I believe it should start with the question: "What have radical liberals and Democrats done for Black America?"

China's tentacles in Africa

All-out war has broken out in Sudan and hundreds of Africans are now dead ("U.S. suspends diplomatic operations, evacuates embassy in Sudan amid fighting," web, April 23).

Where is inclusion in sports?

So-called progressives -- including college deans and professors, CEOs and others in leadership positions -- have been informing the rest of us of the moral imperative for diversity, equity and inclusion (all as defined by them) within our society.

Homebuyer subsidy plan unconstitutional

Another "unfunded mandate" has been foisted upon the American people by the Biden administration, on top of the "unfunded" costs of millions of illegal aliens already foisted upon local communities ("Biden to hike payments for good-credit homebuyers to subsidize high-risk mortgages," web, April 18).

Erroneous reporting on abortion pill

A Texas-based federal district court judge initially restricted Food and Drug Administration distribution of the abortion pill mifepristone ("Federal appeals court limits use of abortion pill, but doesn't ban its FDA approval," web, April 13).

Right to ask, not to know

In "Criminal or hero?: Secrecy vs. Jack Teixeira's truth" (web, April 19), Judge Andrew Napolitano posits a "natural human right to search for and reveal the truth."

Dominion suit a blemish on Fox

In a remarkable turn of events, Fox News has settled its defamation case with Dominion Voting Systems, agreeing to pay it $787.5 million ("Fox News settles $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems, averts trial," web, April 18).

Sliding into communism

According to "Biden to hike payments for good-credit homebuyers to subsidize high-risk mortgages" (web, April 18), the federal government has crafted a new rule forcing buyers and refinancers with good credit scores to pay higher mortgage-rate fees to subsidize riskier borrowers.