- - Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Voters expect the new Republican majority in Congress to deliver real results for the American people. To be sure, Republicans can do some things — like congressional oversight — on their own. But to deliver lasting policy wins on issues such as energy and regulation, it is crucial for Republicans to have the willingness to work with allies on the important issues on which they agree, even if their agreement is not on every issue.

One place where Republicans can find willing partners are with their traditional allies in the business community. While conservatives in Congress may disagree with corporate America on some issues, it’s worth acknowledging that many businesses have been leading the fight against the excesses of the Biden administration while Republicans were in the minority over the past two years.

On issues such as stopping excessive regulation, halting incoherent energy policies that limit domestic supply and raise prices on consumers, and calling attention to many of the administration’s ill-advised appointments, business organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have been filling the gaps and standing up when the administration has tried to drive our country to the left. At a time when Republicans needed outside support to help their efforts to slow down the Biden administration, groups like the chamber were there to hold President Biden’s feet to the fire.

As the first few days of the new Congress have proved for the Republicans holding a slim majority in the House, partnering with willing allies to help stop a continuation of the dangerous policies of the Biden administration, and to help deliver much-needed results for the people, would be wise. With a divided government, the expectation is that Mr. Biden and his administration will resort to using the power of the pen to force their left-wing agenda through. The result is potentially a sharp increase in the volume of regulations and executive fiat we see coming out of this White House.

The Republican Congress is going to need the help of the private sector to push back against the administration if there is any hope of curbing what is sure to be two years of heavy-handed executive branch overreach. With the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other similar groups already proving their appetite for fighting the Biden administration over wrongheaded policy, they have the potential to be key allies for Republicans over the next two years.

From strong domestic energy policy and important permitting reform to fighting crime in our communities, fixing worker shortages, and restoring the blue-collar trades, there is more common ground with outside pro-business groups than congressional Republicans may realize or want to admit. And at the end of the day, standing up to Mr. Biden and combating his harmful policies so that we can restore our economy must be priority No. 1 for Republicans in this Congress, bar none. Anyone willing to help in that fight, be they old friends or new allies, should be welcomed, and any help they can give should be received with open arms.

• Diante Johnson is founder and president of the Black Conservative Federation. 

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