- - Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Sen. Tim Scott, South Carolina Republican, is running for president of the United States. “Love, unconditional love, binds hearts together,” he declared last week.

While Democrats, not surprisingly, oppose Mr. Scott on most issues, they refuse to acknowledge that his warm reception among Republicans shows that Black Americans have overcome, or are at least overcoming.

Citing “systemic racism,” Joy Behar said on “The View” that Mr. Scott “doesn’t get it. Neither does Clarence [Thomas], and that’s why they’re Republicans.”

Duke University professor Mark Anthony Neal stated ungrammatically via Twitter, “Tim Scott acting like he the only Black person in America who had a parent or grandparent who worked 16-hour days … at minimum wages.”

Self-proclaimed “Progressive, Attorney, Democrat” Ed Hull slimed Mr. Scott on Twitter: “#UncleTimISAnUncleTom.”

Despite the Democratic left’s racist trivialization of his achievements, Mr. Scott has labored for all his gains.

His single, working-class mother raised his older brother and him in modest North Charleston. After Mr. Scott foundered in high school, a Chick-fil-A manager mentored him. Mr. Scott focused and — after college — flourished in insurance.

Mr. Scott ran for Congress in 2010. If the White supremacists — whom leftists see everywhere — wished to oppress Mr. Scott, this was their chance. Instead, Mr. Scott won 68% of the vote in a GOP primary runoff versus 32% for Paul Thurmond, the White son of the late Dixiecrat governor and Sen. Strom Thurmond.

Then-Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, appointed Mr. Scott to a vacant U.S. Senate seat. This made Mr. Scott the first Black Southern senator since 1881, when former slave Blanche Kelso Bruce, Mississippi Republican, departed. This happened soon after White supremacists torpedoed the Republican policy of Reconstruction and launched the Democratic Party’s 83-year war on Blacks, aka Jim Crow segregation.

In stunning contrast, the “pro-Black” Democratic Party had 140 years to appoint or elect a Black Southern senator. They did not accomplish this until Georgia’s Raphael Warnock won a January 2021 runoff — 11 years after Mr. Scott became a senator.

Democrats want Blacks to shut up and vote Democratic. They do not want Blacks to think for themselves and see that Democrats trap Black children in schools that don’t teach.

Democratic policies impoverish Blacks and lionize criminals who prey upon law-abiding Blacks.

Democrats have also obliterated the U.S.-Mexico border and invited some 5.25 million aliens to invade America illegally. These laborers will compete against poor Blacks for low-wage jobs.

Thank you, Democrats!

Democrats denounce as race traitors those Blacks who condemn these outrages. This rhetoric is often vile.

MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross called Mr. Scott a “token,” a “tap dancer,” and someone whom “Harriet Tubman would have left behind.”


Today’s Republican presidential field features two Black men, a woman of East Indian descent, and a man of similar background. And yet the GOP is the “Racist Party.”

The Democratic contenders are two White men and zero candidates of color. Yet theirs is the “Diversity Party.”

Please explain.

Mr. Scott’s Democratic opponents are rotten people who stir racial division for fun and profit. They deserve maximum scorn and severe social sanction.

The good news is that, slowly but surely, Black voters are seeing through the Democrats’ race-mongering, shattered promises and baldfaced lies.

In 2020, then-President Donald Trump won 12% of Black voters (versus 8% in 2016’s exit polls), specifically, 19% of Black men and 9% of Black women (up from 13% and 4%, respectively, in 2016).

Amazing: 1 in 5 Black men voted to reelect Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile, according to a recent ABC/Washington Post poll, Mr. Biden’s approval among Blacks has cratered from 82% in January 2021 to 52% today.

Worse for Democrats: That survey found that 27% of Black voters definitely or probably would vote for Mr. Trump. If Mr. Trump wins even 20% of the Black vote, he will be so reelected!

So, rather than change their evil ways, Democrats demonize Mr. Scott to put open-minded Blacks back in their place.

“Shut up. Stop thinking. Do as we tell you.”

With Democrats like these, who needs White nationalists?

• Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

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